Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Very Big Day

Here are my three sweet men on Father's Day...note Josh's PINK tie! Isn't it so handsome??? It was one of his Father's Day gifts. He finally gave in.

Today, June 21st, is our 6th wedding anniversary AND Father's Day! Josh has been spoiled today. We had a great date last night, thanks to sweet friends, and a good Sunday. Sundays are always so hard because of working the night before, but since I took off, it was a great day together. We went to see "Up". Hayden enjoyed it, but YES, there are scarry parts to an almost 3 year old...beware! Hayden enjoyed wearing his 3D glasses and brought a pair home as a souvenir. I really hated that we didn't get a picture of all of us wearing our specs. We were a sight to see...(black plastic frames).

It's hard to believe that Josh and I were married 6 years ago! My how the time flies! It seems like last week (definitely not yesterday) that we were at Samford, having dinner in the Caf, and now we are eating a fun-filled dinner full of questions with 2 munchkins! We have amazing boys!

Thank you, Josh, for being an amazing husband to me. Thank you for your patience when I seem to push all of your buttons, even when I am sleep deprived. Thank you for loving me in spite of my many flaws, especially for encouraging me when my clothes aren't fitting quite right or dinner didn't turn out quite as expected. Thank you for being my biggest fan, as I am definitely yours. Thank you for being a wonderful daddy to our sweet boys. They love you so much! We had a great time with you today. Happy Anniversary & Happy Father's Day!


  1. so surprised that Josh wore the PINK tie and even more surprised that neither Jared nor I noticed it. i'll definitely have to point it out to Jared when he gets home. :0)

  2. That was Josh's point...if he could wear it on a blue shirt and if it wasn't obnoxious. And then he said I couldn't go crazy with the pink (aka don't replace his whole wardrobe).
