Saturday, May 30, 2009

Our New Obsession...

Guitar! (no, not really, it's a mandolin!) Josh brought home his mandolin yesterday that had been at the church for as long as I can remember. Hayden had never seen it before. He got excited about it long before Josh could make it through the door with it. He "helped" Josh carry it into the living room and open the case, immediately shouting, " 'tar!!". {translation = guitar} Then, it turned into, "Dad, I play 'Ben's 'tar'!". {Ben is one of our youth who plays in the band at church. Every time he sees Ben or a guitar, they are associated together. Hence, "Ben's guitar".} We've tried several times to explain that it's Daddy's mandolin and not a guitar, nor is it Ben's, but he is still walking around begging for "Ben's guitar". The first image was priceless...Hayden sitting in a diaper (our AC was out) only playing his "guitar", which thankfully, is a lot more his size than a regular guitar. Then today, as he was "playing", he said, "Mommy, notes." {He needs his "notes" (sheet music) to play...he's found a piece of music in Josh's case to practice with. :) } Of course I had to oblige.

This is only an example of our obsession with all musical instruments. He knows most instruments, including the oboe, trumpet, drums {of course!, specifically bass drums}, cello, & upright bass. He amazes us with the amount of imagination that he uses when demonstrating his playing of these instruments. I'm impressed he knows how to play them, let alone their names. Josh is so proud that he is following in his footsteps...and I am too!

I tried to get him to "play" for Hudson today, but to no avail. Maybe another day.

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