Friday, October 9, 2009


To Infinity and Beyond!

Wow, eight months have passed since Hudson came into our lives. Some days it seems like yesterday (I can still remember starving to death during labor and salivating over the fact that McDonald's was just outside my hospital window) and other days it seems like a long eight months! I'm still not sure if its rougher to go from 1 to 2 kids, or the transition from 2 to 3 (not that I know personally). I do know that God is gracious and we have some amazing boys! Every day that I think that Hudson can't get into more trouble, he does. See, my frame of reference was Hayden, the non-mobile baby. Hayden never crawled. He learned to "scoot" at 11 months while at the beach. He finally walked at 16 months. We could leave him wherever and could come back in 20 minutes and find him in the same spot. Hudson is a different story...he's everywhere! He smiles the biggest when he is about to crawl off the edge of the bed. I've made several sprints across the room to save him in the nick of time. Shewww! I get tired thinking of all of the trouble he finds...and what's to come. Oh, I love that little rotten thing so much! He's my Prince Charming.

Hayden is particularly hilarious these days. He has a new obsession -- Toy Story. It all started with undies & who was on them, then we searched high and low to rent the silly movie, and now we are head over heels in love with Toy Story. We even went to see it in 3D last week. It was great. Now, we are living for June 18th, 2010 & Toy Story 3's arrival. He quotes lines from that movie all of the time. We have Buzz & Woody dolls (for lack of a manlier term) that go everywhere with us. It is a nice break from the Cars obsession. The fall weather is finally arriving and we have spent many days with friends at the park. We don't necessarily have to "know" someone there for him to have a "friend" to play with. Today, I'm pretty sure the Hispanic boy he befriended didn't know much English nor what to think of this crazy new best friend who had found him on the playground. If only Hudson were a little older, my playmate dilemma would be solved...I think!

Happy 8 months, Hudson! Hayden, thanks for making Mommy & Daddy laugh every day. You boys bring us such great joy & entertainment! We love you so much!

1 comment:

  1. Hudson is so cute! Those dimples are wonderful! Happy eight months!
