Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hot, Hot, ______

Hayden has a Kindermusik CD that he loves to listen to in the car. Today, he was riding in the car with Josh, but didn't have his CD. That didn't matter...he was going to sing anyway. One of his favorite songs to sing is "Hot, Hot, ____" to the tune of "Hot Cross Buns". He likes to add his own items in there, such as pizza, chicken, fries, etc. Well, today, as he got to the place to insert his item, he stopped (since he was singing on his own without music), said "Let me think", with a finger on his chin in a thinking "pose", and proudly sang, "Hot, Hot Mama. Hot, Hot Mama. One a penny, Two a penny, Hot, Hot Mama". I must say I was a little proud when I heard his new song too. Thanks for making Mommy's day!

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